The yamas focus on “right living” with others, or how we conduct ourselves in regard to all living beings including the planet. The yamas include:

  • ahimsa – Non-violence
  • satya – Truthfulness
  • asteya – Non-stealing
  • brahmacharya – Non-excess, particularly in sexual matters.
  • aparigraha – Non-possessiveness

A couple of points to note:
4 of the 5 yamas describe what not to do. These are practices of restraint. Consider that we begin the practice of yoga (restraining the fluctuations of consciousness) through our behavior (what not to do) first.

  • Ahimsa is first on the list, therefore the most important.
  • Satya comes next, suggesting that we tell the truth without violent intent.
  • Consider that all these codes of conduct apply to all beings – humans, animals, the planet.